*AVA Connect*
If you haven't yet received your invitation to register for AVA Connect, please email info@kneehillmedicalclinic.ca and we'll send you the invite as soon as we can.
Once you have are registered, you can access the portal by clicking https://www.avaconnect.ca/ to sign in. You can also save this link to your phone home screen or the desktop on your computer for smooth and easy access.
*AVA CONNECT is not an App!*
Therefore some features, such as the eForms, work better on your desktop or laptop, using the Chrome browser.
How to Use AVA Connect
Checkout: www.avaindustries.ca/resources
Click on ‘Patient Resources’ for:
Authorizing a Clinic on Ava Connect
Editing Your Connect Profile
Sending Messages to your Doctor Using Connect
Viewing and Booking Appointments on Connect
The main screen when you first log-in at https://www.avaconnect.ca/ is the ‘Dashboard’.
*PLEASE* make sure you are in the right chart. If you are a ‘Caregiver’ for your children, parents or partner, then you must go to the top right-hand corner, click on your name and ‘Manage Dependents’ (to first add these accounts) or to pick the appropriate chart (once your dependents have been ‘validated’).
You can enter ‘Biometrics’ (vital signs – blood pressure, pulse, height, weight and blood sugar).
You can view ‘Patient Documents’ in ‘My Forms’ or ‘My Letters’. If you’re told to find a lab requisition in your portal, this is where you would find it!
You can book, review or cancel appointments online using the ‘Appointments’ field.
The ‘Messages’ field is where you go to send a message to our MOA (Medical Office Assistant), Nurse or Nurse Practitioner. If you have a doctor, this is also where you send them a direct message.
Your ‘Profile’ is where you can manage your contact information, add a photo and enable/disable email and text reminders.
Please note that eForm links only come with the email reminders!
Other features for the AVA Connect portal can be found from the left-hand menu (three horizonal lines).
‘Dashboard’ allows you to get back to the main screen.
‘Appointments’ is another link to the online booking area.
‘Messages’ is another way to get into the messaging area.
‘Biometrics’ is another way to enter your vital signs taken at home.
‘Test Results’ is where you can view past labs and investigations.
’Patient Documents’ is another way to view your forms, requisitions or letters.
‘Patient Charts’ is where you can view your ‘Medical History’, ‘Family History’, ‘Social History’, ‘Allergy History’, ‘Medications Review’, ‘Referrals’ and ‘Vaccines History’. **PLEASE** note that our vaccine list is not comprehensive. Also, many of your health profile info may be marked as ‘Private’ from the data migration, so you need to send the ‘Nurse’ a message to release that information.
‘Patient Settings’ allow you to ‘Manage Clinics’ (if you attend another AVA clinic) and it is another way to ‘Edit Patient Profile’.
‘Account Settings’ is another way to ‘Manage Dependents’ or change your password in ‘Security’.
‘Tech Support’ & ‘Logout’ are also available from this menu.
April 4, 2023
Kneehill Medical Clinic is migrating to a new EMR (Electronic Medical Record) in order to serve you better. This will result in temporary service disruptions:
~Mon April 24th - Pomelo messaging will be turned off
~Mon May 1st - Pomelo online booking will be terminated
~WEDNESDAY MAY 3rd - KMC WILL BE CLOSED - PHONES WILL BE OFF** for physician and staff training
~Thurs/Fri May 4th & 5th KMC will be open with LIGHT bookings
~Mon May 8th - we'll be fully live with AVA Industries and hopefully be able to offer you their online platform Ava Connect soon after
Thank you in advance for your patience as we navigate this critical EMR upgrade.
KMC is a teaching facility for medical residents and students. We have the privilege of getting to know and work with many wonderful people studying to become doctors.
This year, the medical residents from the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medical voted KMC as the "rural clinic of the year". We are very thankful to be recipients of this award!!
Here is the announcement that was sent to us:
" This year, the Rural Family Medicine residents of the University of Calgary were asked to nominate a clinic of the year for outstanding contribution to a family medicine rotation. This award goes to a family medicine clinic which, through all of their staff and programming, facilitates a welcoming and supportive learning environment for rural residents while modeling high quality, comprehensive patient care. Your clinic was nominated amongst a few excellent finalists and was then voted on by the entire resident body. The residents have chosen your clinic as the recipient of Clinic of the Year award. Congratulations!"
Also, one of our current medical residents, Dr. Veronique Ram was interviewed by the U of C about working as a rural resident. Here is the link to the article. She makes reference to her time in Three Hills.
We would like to say thank you to the Kneehill Regional Recruitment & Retention Committee for hosting a barbecue at Anderson Park in Three Hills for the doctors and medical staff of our communities. It was a beautiful evening in the park with delicious food and a good time of visiting!
The committee presented the "Medical Staff Award of Excellence" to Gener Gozo, maintenance worker at St. Mary's Health Care Centre, and to Dianne Moran, PCN nurse at the Kneehill Medical Clinic. Thanks to all of you in the communities that nominated various medical staff workers for this award.
The Kneehill Medical Clinic is pleased to announce that Dr. Ayo Adebayo, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Occupational Medicine will be working out of our clinic one day a month. He is a graduate of Columbia University Internal Medicine and Yale Occupational Medicine Programs. He currently practices in Airdrie and Calgary. Dr. Adebayo will see patients on referral basis only by a physician.
Grand Opening Celebrations of the Kneehill County and Kneehill Medical Clinic Buildings!
Hundreds enjoyed a delicious meal hosted by the Kneehill County.
Dr. Luke Savage speaking on behalf of the physicians and staff.
Our Physicians, Sarah Hoffman, Health Minister and Deputy Premier, and the
Kneehill County Councillors at the ribbon cutting of the medical clinic.
Kneehill County Councillors cutting the ribbon to their beautiful new building!
Knee Hill Medical Clinic Grand Opening - July 8, 2016
Comments made by Dr. Luke Savage
Good afternoon!
Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues and honored guests.
My name is Dr Luke Savage. It is my privilege to bring greetings on behalf of the doctors and staff of Kneehill Medical Clinic.
This building has been a long time coming. It was an idea that some dared to dream 15, even 20 years ago. It took time for the dream to grow and mature. It had to be passed down to others and catch flame beyond the medical circle. And finally, like a good wine that’s put in the cellar for a time and then brought out, we are drinking the fruit of that dream from our past colleagues.
I congratulate the current county council for accepting the dream and developing it. For going out on a limb and having the vision and foresight to build a lasting legacy for our region. This clinic is now the foundation for excellent primary care in Kneehill County. It brings medical people together, improves collaboration and communication, and I am convinced the positive results will show in our patients lives in short order. Indeed, we are already seeing some of those goals realized.
It is not easy being a rural doctor. Many forces try to drag us to the city, as we’ve seen happen with some of our previous colleagues. Despite this, we have a solid, committed and young group of doctors and staff here at Kneehill Medical Clinic. This is due, in no small part, to the support of our community… from the site tours when we were first considering work here, to the Health Fundraising Galas, to the little thank you cards from patients and the waves of acknowledgement at the grocery store… all of those things makes this place home. Thank you especially to Bob Long, Al Campbell, and the Recruitment/Retention committee, which includes representatives from the smaller towns, for your long term support of the health professionals. They have recognized that a healthy vibrant community and county requires excellent health care and have worked tirelessly to this end.
One final thank you - to Sharon Peters, our clinic manager, and Dr Adina McBain, the physician lead, for the countless hours you have put into the transition and getting the new clinic up and running seamlessly.
It has been a privilege working on this project and seeing it develop, both from the people side of things and the building itself. It is not something we could have done alone, and I am grateful and feel blessed for the support around us.
Thank you again, now on with the celebration!
Mission… partnering with patients for optimal health, from conception to death.
Vision… every patient in the area we serve has easy access to a consistent and sustainable care team.